

Roland 3D printer monoFab (ARM-10)



This is a 3-D printer that uses the hanging method, allowing efficient use of materials by minimizing the consumption of materials that support the modelled shape.


Shaping Method: Light-based shaping (plane-exposing light using projectors)
Maximum shape size: X130mm Y70mm Z70mm (but the maximum amount of resin that can be used at once is 300g)
XY Resolution: 0.2mm
Z-Axis resolution: 0.01mm
Materials used: PRH35-ST2 (hard) PRF35-ST (soft) PRR35-OP (flexible)

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Global Center in Engineering Education Institute for Innovation in International Engineering Education,
Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo

Building no. 8,
the Faculty of Engineering, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

TEL 03-5841-8800